Use imdb;
show tables;
select * from information_Schema.columns where table_schema='imdb';
  -- this will give us an overview of whats in our dataset and tables.

1.Count the number of rows present in each table.

  (select count(*) from directors) as directors_rows_count,
  (select count(*) from directors_genres) as director_genres_rows_count,
  (select count(*) from movies) as movies_rows_count,
  (select count(*) from movies_directors) as movie_directors_rows_count,
  (select count(*) from roles) as roles_rows_count;

 the directors table.

select * from directors;



3.Are there any Null Values in movies table ?

-- 0 for 'No' and 1 for 'Yes' as we have used aggregate function sum().
select sum(case
  when id is Null then 1 else 0 end ) as id,
  (case   when name is Null then 1 else 0 end ) as name,
  (case   when year is Null then 1 else 0 end ) as year,
  (case   when rankscore is Null then 1 else 0 end ) as rankscore
  from movies;



4.Show the movies released in each year.

select name as movie, year from movies group by year order by year;




5.Count the number of movies released each year.

select year,count(name) from movies group by year order by year;



6.Show the top 10 years with most movies released.

select year,count(name) as movies_count from movies group by year order by movies_count desc limit 10;



7.What is the maximum, average, minimum rating(s) of all the movies

select min(rankscore) from movies;


select avg(rankscore) from movies;


select max(rankscore) from movies;




8.Show top ranked movies.

select, movies.rankscore from movies
  inner join (select name, max(rankscore) as maxrank from movies) movies2 on movies.rankscore=movies2.maxrank;



9.Count the number of genres listed in the dataset and show what are those.
-- Genres

select distinct(genre) as count_of_genres from(
  select distinct(genre) from movies_genres
  select distinct(genre) from directors_genres ) as Genres ;
-- Count of Genres
select count(distinct(genre)) as count_of_genres from(
  select distinct(genre) from movies_genres
  select distinct(genre) from directors_genres ) as Genres ;



10.Show the movies released by each director and store it in a temperory table.

create temporary table table1 (select md.director_id, md.movie_id , dr.director_name ,mv.movie_name from movies_directors as md inner join
  (select id as director_id,concat(first_name," ",last_name) as director_name from directors) dr
  on md.director_id=dr.director_id
  inner join (select id as movie_id, name as movie_name from movies) mv on md.movie_id = mv.movie_id);
  select * from table1;



11.Show the top 20 directors who have directed most number of movies.

select director_name , count(movie_name) as movies_count from table1 group by director_name order by movies_count desc limit 20 ;



12.Show the list of generes with most number of movies.

select genre, count(movie_id) as movies_count from movies_genres group by genre order by movies_count desc;



13.Show the directors who have directed diverse genra of movies, order by genre most to least.

with directors_with_most_genres as( select director_id, count(genre) as genre_count from directors_genres group by director_id order by genre_count desc)
  select concat(directors.first_name,directors.last_name) as director_name, as directors_id, directors_with_most_genres.genre_count from directors inner join directors_with_most_genres



14.Order movies from most to least number of roles played in the movies;

with rolescount as
  (select movie_id,count(role) as number_of_roles from roles group by movie_id )
  select, rolescount.number_of_roles from movies inner join rolescount
  on order by number_of_roles desc;



15.Show the movies whose name start with 'An' and having rankscore>9.

select * from movies where name like 'An%' having rankscore>9;



16.Show the movies having name start with 'Fig' end with 'ub' , having charecter length 10 and released in 1999.

select * from movies where name like 'Fig%ub'and length(name)=10 and year=1999;
-- Note: Space(" ") is also is a charecter.



17.Show the movies from 1800 to 2000 having rankscore greater than 9.5;

select * from movies having year between 1800 and 2000 and rankscore>9.5 order by year;



18.Show the rankscores of the movies table having names ('Top Gun','Blade Runner','Border') and years they were released in.

select lower(name),rankscore,year from movies where name in ('top gun','blade runner','border');